Blowtorch “Mein Teil”

currently not available!

“Mein Teil” Rammstein Blowtorch 2.0 "DENN DU BIST, WAS DU ISST."

This is a total new steel version!

The blowtorch can be used to caramelize a créme brulée, melt cheese and much more!


Front: “Rammstein”

Back: “und so schön flambiert”

Stand: Outline logo

Features: Stainless steel grip, chrome-plated firing pin (stainless steel alloy), plastic.

Adjustable turbo flame up to 1450 °C


Diameter: 50 mm

Height: 165 mm

SAFETY NOTICE: Fuel is NOT INCLUDED with product! Must be filled with high-quality butane gas. Instructions in German only!

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